Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bioshock 2 PC Game Review

The walls of Rapture, whose appearance is revealed that the passing years and the decline of an idyllic civilization make a dent in its structure, is again the scene of our destination. Everything is familiar, yet an aura of uncertainty and anxiety that fills the space suit will protect us during this new adventure. We are a Big Daddy destined to save the last glimmer of hope for a civilization that sought to escape from an imperfect world, following the ideology perpetrated by Andrew Ryan. However, the road will not be easy, since the bond we have with our Little Sister, is contrary to the principles that we develop during the game and, in many cases conflict with the acts that we have to interpret. The path we choose will define our character, marking the passage that will lead us into all that really matters to us: our protected is far away, and without it life is sealed off within the metal packaging that protects us.

Bioshock 2 is one of the most important releases of the year. The tremendous success of the first part Levine, whose approach has revealed novel mechanisms and structure interactive narrative copy, is the leading cause of legions of fans to the world of electronic entertainment are waiting on the release of this anticipated title. Although Levine is not involved directly in the project, has defined a solid work and well-structured for 2K Marin put all eggs in one basket. After many months of waiting, we finally have the opportunity to enjoy Bioshock 2 Preview for providing this article, and enlightening about the virtues of this new interactive work, destined to become one of the most memorable video game generation.


Just start the game, we encountered an unusual situation. We are recovering slowly, consciousness where we realize that all around us rises the imposing Rapture, a city built in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean as a sign of ambition unleashed by its creator. The primary objective of this project placed him as the perfect residence for the superior beings, despite their status as privileged individuals undergoing technological advances in genetic research by accepting the fees established by the Adam, plasmids and promoters artificial created by Andrew Ryan. Products that increase muscle mass to levels unimaginable new proposals by which you can acquire the proper degree of intelligence of a genius, or various plasmids that you become a destructive killing machine, announced casually and daily throughout the city . However, there have been 10 years since Andrew Ryan exhaust its latest efforts to shape a society impossible, now, a former political rival Ryan has taken power in Rapture, thanks to a doctrine that has allowed it comprises a number unconditional supporters really bulky. His goal: avoid shortages of Adam kidnap girls from the area (sending to the dreaded Big Sisters) became small and infallible collectors, and retake the course of Rapture to define a new height of the perfect civilization.

But somebody has woken up and, initially, it appears that our mission becomes the only hope to stop plans Sophie Lamb. We are the first Big Daddy successfully linked to a Little Sister, we have the ability to control our craving both lethal firearms as plasmids, and our life is at risk if we do not find Eleannor Lamb, the Little Sister to which we are hopelessly emotionally connected.

Bioshock 2 offers a very interesting dramatic development, the story becomes more attractive as we move into the plot, and the number of recordings that we find in Rapture brings a host of scenic and narrative nuance, drawing with restrained pulse which emerges as one of the most remarkable stories of recent years. As we had occasion to advance in the game, I can assure you that Bioshock 2 promises to follow the lead of the first part to the letter, introducing some important developments in their development leading to a new interactive experience.

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